Advanced Dental Technology Parker
The Future of Dental Technology Is Here

Each day, researchers are finding new ways to complete dental procedures more quickly and make the patient’s experience more enjoyable. It is in the best interest of dental professionals to stay on top of these changes, especially as people continue to express their need for faster results. At RidgeGate Dental of Parker, our patients don’t have to wonder what kind of care they will receive because we have taken steps (and continue to do so) to incorporate these modern, innovative solutions. Take a look below and let us know if you have any questions about the dental technologies in Parker that we use.
Digital Dental Impressions

The Trios 5 is our digital impression system that eliminates the need for messy, cold dental putty. No longer do you need to bite down into a sticky substance and wait for the mold to set but instead, this device quickly scans your teeth and gums to create a 3D model that technicians use to build your custom restoration. Offering greater convenience and comfort, you’ll change the way you view the dentist’s office.
Intraoral Camera

Intraoral cameras are commonly used as a teaching tool so that the dentist can explain to patients what is happening in their mouths. But it’s also ideal for helping dental professionals to find hidden areas of decay that might otherwise not be seen. Not only can these cameras minimize the spread and severity of cavities, but they also give you a first-hand look at why good oral health and hygiene is important.
Digital Dental X-Rays

Less radiation is what patients want to hear when it comes to digital X-rays. Older methods left you vulnerable, but nowadays, technology has advanced to make it easier and safer for you to have images captured of your smile without being put in harm’s way. Our team can view what exists beneath the gumline and make appropriate treatment recommendations that will improve and ensure the health of your smile.
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