Switching Smiles: When to Replace Your Dental Veneers

October 9, 2024

A dentist placing dental veneers on a woman’s teeth

While dental veneers can last quite a while, these shells don’t work forever. Even the well-maintained ones will slowly wear down, lose their effects, and need to be switched out. So, when exactly should you replace your dental veneers with new models? Your Meridian dentist is here with the answer and will gladly share it so your smile stays pretty. To that end, here are four crucial signs that it’s time to replace your veneers with newer ones.

When Your Teeth Decay

If the treated teeth decay too much, you’ll want to switch out your veneers. The original shells won’t work very well at that point.

You see, each veneer is made to fit tightly to the underlying tooth. This design lets the shell block out debris, decay-causing bacteria, and other harmful materials. However, a veneer can become loose (or even detach) if its supporting tooth starts to decay. It’d then be best to remove the shell (to treat the decayed area) before installing a replacement.

When Your Gums Recede

Receded gums are another big sign that you should replace your veneers. When those tissues shrink back, your porcelain shells will be less effective.

Like decayed teeth, receded gums can cause your veneers to separate. The shells would then develop a visible gap that makes them look fake and off-putting. Worse, your veneers could come loose or fall out of your mouth. The best way to avoid such outcomes is to have them quickly replaced.

When They’re Chipped or Cracked

Naturally, it’d be good to replace your veneers when they’re chipped or cracked. They simply won’t do a good job of beautifying your smile in that situation.

Indeed, veneers can chip, crack, or otherwise break as time passes. The fact that they’re durable doesn’t mean they can’t be impacted by hard food, teeth grinding, etc. Plus, chipped or cracked veneers are both an aesthetic and functional issue; they could affect your ability to talk and chew.

When They Look Dark or Stained

Lastly, you should replace your veneers if they look dark or stained. Your treatment results will have worn off in that case.

Highly-pigmented foods and drinks can stain veneers, especially when you have a lot of them. Their ingredients tend to discolor all sorts of materials – even dental-grade porcelain. Plus, veneers can’t be whitened like natural teeth; their stains are often permanent. It’s best to replace the shells if light brushing can’t fix their discoloration.

Once you grasp the points above, you should know when to replace your veneers. Still, talk to your dental provider if you have any other questions or concerns!

About the Practice

RidgeGate Dental is based in Parker, CO. Led by Dr. Kara Arnold, our practice wants each and every patient to get the best care for their smile. That means we customize our preventive, cosmetic, and restorative treatments to suit your unique oral needs. Naturally, our team is even ready and prepared to place quality veneers that’ll beautify your grin! For more details or to book a visit, please reach us on our website or by phone at (303)-268-2965.